Results for 'Ismael Gavilán Muñoz'

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    ARMANDO R0A VlAL Ejercicios de filiación. Poesía.Ismael Gavilán - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:281-283.
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    El doble veredicto de la piedra.Ismael Gavilán Muñoz - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:349-352.
    El artículo aborda los conceptos de multiculturalidad, interculturalidad y educación intercultural, como perspectivas teóricas que permiten explicar la dinámica intercultural de la acción educativa y como desafío epistemológico de los conocimientos indígenas en la escolarización. Para ello se realiza un análisis de los elementos teóricos que sustentan estos conceptos; se problematiza la dificultad epistemológica de la educación intercultural, considerando el contexto en que se lleva a cabo, y en consecuencia, se plantea que la dinámica de estos conceptos permite la posibilidad (...)
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    Ruina y memoria.Enrique Gavilán Domínguez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731):551-559.
    Se aborda la capacidad del teatro para explorar mecanismos centrales en una sociedad tan teatralizada como la actual, a partir de un género específico: cierto teatro “histórico”, la celebración de un episodio del pasado en el mismo lugar donde ocurrió, es decir, la representación de la “memoria del lugar”. Se trata la ambigüedad implícita en la situación, y dos formas muy distintas de manejarla: ceremonia conmemorativa al servicio de la afirmación de una identidad, o aprovechamiento de la ironía implícita en (...)
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  4. How Physics Makes Us Free.Jenann Ismael - 2016 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In 1687 Isaac Newton ushered in a new scientific era in which laws of nature could be used to predict the movements of matter with almost perfect precision. Newton's physics also posed a profound challenge to our self-understanding, however, for the very same laws that keep airplanes in the air and rivers flowing downhill tell us that it is in principle possible to predict what each of us will do every second of our entire lives, given the early conditions of (...)
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  5. Even good bots fight: the case of Wikipedia.Milena Tsvetkova, Ruth García-Gavilanes, Luciano Floridi & Taha Yasseri - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (2).
    In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of bots online, varying from Web crawlers for search engines, to chatbots for online customer service, spambots on social media, and content-editing bots in online collaboration communities. The online world has turned into an ecosystem of bots. However, our knowledge of how these automated agents are interacting with each other is rather poor. Bots are predictable automatons that do not have the capacity for emotions, meaning-making, creativity, and sociality (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Quantum holism: nonseparability as common ground.Jenann Ismael & Jonathan Schaffer - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4131-4160.
    Quantum mechanics seems to portray nature as nonseparable, in the sense that it allows spatiotemporally separated entities to have states that cannot be fully specified without reference to each other. This is often said to implicate some form of “holism.” We aim to clarify what this means, and why this seems plausible. Our core idea is that the best explanation for nonseparability is a “common ground” explanation, which casts nonseparable entities in a holistic light, as scattered reflections of a more (...)
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  7. The situated self.Jenann Ismael - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    J. T. Ismael's monograph is an ambitious contribution to metaphysics and the philosophy of language and mind. She tackles a philosophical question whose origin goes back to Descartes: What am I? The self is not a mere thing among things--but if so, what is it, and what is its relationship to the world? Ismael is an original and creative thinker who tries to understand our problematic concepts about the self and how they are related to our use of (...)
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  8. Probability in deterministic physics.J. T. Ismael - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (2):89-108.
    The role of probability is one of the most contested issues in the interpretation of contemporary physics. In this paper, I’ll be reevaluating some widely held assumptions about where and how probabilities arise. Larry Sklar voices the conventional wisdom about probability in classical physics in a piece in the Stanford Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy, when he writes that “Statistical mechanics was the first foundational physical theory in which probabilistic concepts and probabilistic explanation played a fundamental role.” And the conventional wisdom (...)
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    Entre lo polular y lo filosófico: micromachismos.Susana Gavilanes Bravo - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (6):1-15.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal, analizar parte del discurso filosófico, así como también, el expresado en la música popular con respecto, a las mujeres e indirectamente a las diversidades sexuales.Filosofía y versos contenidos en las letras de canciones populares, se emparentan en la discriminación que se traduce en conductas implícitas reconocidas como micromachismos y en otras explícitas que vendrían siendo macroconsecuencias, como son todos los tipos de violencia, que tras una espiral culminan en femicidios. Tratar de comprender la (...)
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    The Situated Self.J. T. Ismael - 2006 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    J. T. Ismael's monograph is an ambitious contribution to metaphysics and the philosophy of language and mind. She tackles a philosophical question whose origin goes back to Descartes: What am I? The self is not a mere thing among things--but if so, what is it, and what is its relationship to the world?
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  11. Raid! Dissolving the big, bad bug.Jenann Ismael - 2008 - Noûs 42 (2):292–307.
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    The actress was on the balcony, after all: Eye-tracking locality and PR-availability effects in Spanish.Miriam Aguilar, Pilar Ferré, José M. Gavilán, José A. Hinojosa & Josep Demestre - 2021 - Cognition 211:104624.
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    Metafísica y Literatura: una mirada al poniente.José Luis Gavilanes Laso - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:261-276.
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    Free-variable tableaux for monotonic preorders.P. Martín & A. Gavilanes - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (6):813-844.
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    Simultaneous rigid sorted unification for tableaux.P. J. Martín & A. Gavilanes - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (1):31-59.
    In this paper we integrate a sorted unification calculus into free variable tableau methods for logics with term declarations. The calculus we define is used to close a tableau at once, unifying a set of equations derived from pairs of potentially complementary literals occurring in its branches. Apart from making the deduction system sound and complete, the calculus is terminating and so, it can be used as a decision procedure. In this sense we have separated the complexity of sorts from (...)
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  16. Symmetry as a guide to superfluous theoretical structure.Jenann Ismael & Bas C. van~Fraassen - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani, Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 371--92.
  17. How do causes depend on us? The many faces of perspectivalism.Jenann Ismael - 2016 - Synthese 193 (1):245-267.
    Huw Price has argued that on an interventionist account of cause the distinction is perspectival, and the claim prompted some interesting responses from interventionists and in particular an exchange with Woodward that raises questions about what it means to say that one or another structure is perspectival. I’ll introduce his reasons for claiming that the distinction between cause and effect on an interventionist account is perspectival. Then I’ll introduce a distinction between different ways in which a class of concepts can (...)
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  18. A Modest Proposal about Chance.Jenann Ismael - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (8):416-442.
    First para: Before the 17th century, there was not much discussion, and little uniformity in conception, of natural laws. The rise of science in 17th century, Newton’s mathematization of physics, and the provision of strict, deterministic laws that applied equally to the heavens and to the terrestrial realm had a profound impact in transforming the philosophical imagination. A philosophical conception of physical law built on the example of Newtonian Mechanics became quickly entrenched. Between the 17th and 20th centuries, there was (...)
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    What Am I?J. T. Ismael - 2016 - In Jenann Ismael, How Physics Makes Us Free. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Dennett’s story “Where am I?” is used to set up the difficulty of locating the self in the natural world. The story is told from a first-person point of view in which the narrator maintains his identity across exchanges of brain and body, but there is no physical thing in the story that can act as bearer of his identity. The story seems to present a dilemma between Cartesian dualism and Dennett’s a “no-self” view. This chapter argues for a third (...)
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  20. An Empiricist's Guide to Objective Modality.Jenann Ismael - 2017 - In Matthew H. Slater & Zanja Yudell, Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 109-125.
    In this paper, I defend an empiricist account of modality that keeps a substantive account of modal commitment, but throws out the metaphysics. I suggest that if we pair a deflationary attitude toward representation with a substantive account of how scientific models are constructed and put to use, the result is an account that deflates the metaphysics of modal commitment without deflating the content of modal claims.
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    Determinism, Counterpredictive Devices, and the Impossibility of Laplacean Intelligences.Jenann Ismael - 2019 - The Monist 102 (4):478-498.
    In a famous passage drawing implications from determinism, Laplace introduced the image an intelligence who knew the positions and momenta of all of the particles of which the universe is composed, and asserted that in a deterministic universe such an intelligence would be able to predict everything that happens over its entire history. It is not, however, difficult to establish the physical possibility of a counterpredictive device, i.e., a device designed to act counter to any revealed prediction of its behavior. (...)
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  22. The Open Universe: Totality, Self-reference and Time.Jenann Ismael - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    Before the twentieth century, the Universe was usually imagined as a large spatially extended thing unfolding in time. The past was fixed and the future was open; unfolding was conceived as an asymmetric process of coming into being. Relativity introduced a new vision in which space and time are presented together as a single four-dimensional manifold of events. That, together with the fact that the fundamental laws of our classical theories are symmetric in time, made understanding why the past and (...)
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    Causation, Free Will, and Naturalism.Jenann Ismael - 2013 - In Don Ross, James Ladyman & Harold Kincaid, Scientific metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 208--235.
    This chapter addresses the worry that the existence of causal antecedents to your choices means that you are causally compelled to act as you do. It begins with the folk notion of cause, leads the reader through recent developments in the scientific understanding of causal concepts, and argues that those developments undermine the threat from causal antecedents. The discussion is then used as a model for a kind of naturalistic metaphysics that takes its lead from science, letting everyday concepts be (...)
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  24. Passage, Flow, and the Logic of Temporal Perspectives.Jenann Ismael - 2017 - In Philippe Huneman & Christophe Bouton, Time of Nature and the Nature of Time: Philosophical Perspectives of Time in Natural Sciences. Cham: Springer.
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  25. Closed Causal Loops and the Bilking Argument.Jenann Ismael - 2003 - Synthese 136 (3):305-320.
    The most potentially powerful objection to the possibility oftime travel stems from the fact that it can, under the right conditions, give rise to closedcausal loops, and closed causal loops can be turned into self-defeating causal chains;folks killing their infant selves, setting out to destroy the world before they were born,and the like. It used to be thought that such chains present paradoxes; the receivedwisdom nowadays is that they give rise to physical anomalies in the form of inexplicably correlated events. (...)
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  26. What Chances Could Not Be.Jenann Ismael - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (1):79-91.
    The chance of a physical event is the objective, single-case probability that it will occur. In probabilistic physical theories like quantum mechanics, the chances of physical events play the formal role that the values of physical quantities play in classical physics, and there is a temptation to regard them on the model of the latter as describing intrinsic properties of the systems to which they are assigned. I argue that this understanding of chances in quantum mechanics, despite being a part (...)
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  27. Temporal Experience.Jenann Ismael - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press.
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    A philosopher of science looks at idealization in political theory.Jenann Ismael - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 33 (1-2):11-31.
    :Rawls ignited a debate in political theory when he introduced a division between the ideal and nonideal parts of a theory of justice. In the ideal part of the theory, one presents a positive conception of justice in a setting that assumes perfect compliance with the rules of justice. In the nonideal part, one addresses the question of what happens under departures from compliance. Critics of Rawls have attacked his focus on ideal theory as a form of utopianism, and have (...)
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  29. Science and the phenomenal.Jenann Ismael - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):351-69.
    The Hard Problem of the mind is addressed and it is argued that physical-phenomenal property identities have the same status as the identification of an ostended bit of physical space and the coordinates assigned the spot on a map of the terrain. It is argued, that is to say, that such identities are, or follow from, stipulations which interpret the map.
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  30. Quantum mechanics.Jenann Ismael - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Quantum mechanics is, at least at first glance and at least in part, a mathematical machine for predicting the behaviors of microscopic particles — or, at least, of the measuring instruments we use to explore those behaviors — and in that capacity, it is spectacularly successful: in terms of power and precision, head and shoulders above any theory we have ever had. Mathematically, the theory is well understood; we know what its parts are, how they are put together, and why, (...)
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  31. Curie's principle.Jenann Ismael - 1997 - Synthese 110 (2):167-190.
    A reading is given of Curie''s Principle that the symmetry of a cause is always preserved its effects. The truth of the principle is demonstrated and its importance, under the proposed reading, is defended.As far as I see, all a priori statements in physics have their origin in symmetry. (Weyl, Symmetry, p. 126).
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    Experience, Transformation, and Imagination.Jennan Ismael - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3):330-338.
    : I’m going to generalize the points that L.A. Paul makes in her Transformative Experience and push them in a somewhat different direction. I will begin by talking about transformative experience in a generic sense and say how ubiquitous it is. Then I’ll distinguish that from the strict, specialized sense of transformative experience that Paul identifies. I will say why Paul’s focus on the strict and specialized sense allows her to arrive at a strong conclusion, but bypasses the more interesting (...)
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    The Unified Self.J. T. Ismael - 2007 - In Jenann Ismael, The situated self. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter begins with a discussion of Dennett's view of self-representation. It introduces the so-called “Joycean Machine”, special narrative module in the brain charged with production of an autobiography. It is argued that the synchronic unity of the thinking subject is the unity of voice and agency wrought by the unifying activity of the Joycean Machine. In dynamical terms, the collective voice can have a causal role. Turned outward, it can mediate the communication between systems, allowing them to act as (...)
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    Rethinking Time and Determinism: What Happens to Determinism When You Take Relativity Seriously.Jenann Ismael - 2023 - In Remy Lestienne & Paul A. Harris, Time and Science, Volume 1: The Metaphysics of Time and Its Evolution. World Scientific Publishing. pp. 147-172.
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    Rememberances, Mementos, and Time-Capsules.Jenann Ismael - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:317-.
    I want to consider some features of the position put forward by Julian Barbour in The End of Time that seem to me of particular philosophical interest. At the level of generality at which I'll be concerned with it, the view is relatively easy to describe. It can be arrived at by thinking of time as decomposing in some natural way linearly ordered atomic parts, ‘moments’, and combining an observation about the internal structure of moments with an epistemological doctrine about (...)
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  36. How to combine chance and determinism: Thinking about the future in an Everett universe.Jenann Ismael - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (4):776-790.
    I propose, in the context of Everett interpretations of quantum mechanics, a way of understanding how there can be genuine uncertainty about the future notwithstanding that the universe is governed by known, deterministic dynamical laws, and notwithstanding that there is no ignorance about initial conditions, nor anything in the universe whose evolution is not itself governed by the known dynamical laws. The proposal allows us to draw some lessons about the relationship between chance and determinism, and to dispel one source (...)
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    In Defense of IP: A Response to Pettigrew.J. T. Ismael - 2013 - Noûs 49 (1):197-200.
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    Freedom, Compulsion, and Causation.Jenann Ismael - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 13.
    The intuitive notion of cause carries with it the idea of compulsion. When we learn that the dynamical laws are deterministic, we give this a causal reading and imagine our actions compelled to occur by conditions laid down at the beginning of the universe. Hume famously argued that this idea of compulsion is borrowed from experience and illegitimately projected onto regularities in the world. Exploiting the interventionist analysis of causal relations, together with an insight about the degeneracy of one’s epistemic (...)
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  39. Self-Organization and Self-Governance.J. T. Ismael - 2011 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (3):327-351.
    The intuitive difference between a system that choreographs the motion of its parts in the service of goals of its own formulation and a system composed of a collection of parts doing their own thing without coordination has been shaken by now familiar examples of self-organization. There is a broad and growing presumption in parts of philosophy and across the sciences that the appearance of centralized information-processing and control in the service of system-wide goals is mere appearance, i.e., an explanatory (...)
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    Ayahuasca from Peru to Uruguay: Ritual Design and Redesign through a Distributed Cognition Approach.Ismael Apud - 2015 - Anthropology of Consciousness 26 (1):1-27.
    Ayahuasca is a psychoactive substance from the Amazon rainforest regions of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil. Although its use originated among indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin, it has become increasingly popularized in Western society through the transnational markets of spirituality and religiosity driven by globalization, Postmodernity, and new forms of religious practice. In this paper, we will overview the arrival of ayahuasca in Uruguay by way of four different groups. We will then focus on one of these groups, a (...)
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    How to Be Humean.Jenann Ismael - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer, A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 188–205.
    This chapter argues that Humean analyses do not provide content‐preserving reductions and non‐trivial accounts of the reference. It introduces a distinction between structure in the realm of Being and structure in the representations of Being. The chapter argues that there are good reasons not to expect content‐preserving reductions of the modal to the non‐modal at the level of content, or useful mappings of content‐level structures into structures at the level of Being. In the rest of the chapter, the author deals (...)
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    On Whether the Atemporal Conception of the World Is Also Amodal.Jenann Ismael - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (2):142-157.
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  43. Raid! The big, bad bug dissolved.Jenann Ismael - unknown
    There’s a long history of discussion of probability in philosophy, but objective chance separated itself off and came into its own as a topic with the advent of a physical theory - quantum mechanics - in which chances play a central, and apparently ineliminable, role. In 1980 David Lewis wrote a paper pointing out that a very broad class of accounts of the nature of chance apparently lead to a contradiction when combined with a principle that expresses the role of (...)
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  44. (1 other version)So You Think You Exist? — In Defense of Nolipsism.Jenann Ismael & John L. Pollock - unknown
    Human beings think of themselves in terms of a privileged non-descriptive designator — a mental “I”. Such thoughts are called “de se” thoughts. The mind/body problem is the problem of deciding what kind of thing I am, and it can be regarded as arising from the fact that we think of ourselves non-descriptively. Why do we think of ourselves in this way? We investigate the functional role of “I” (and also “here” and “now”) in cognition, arguing that the use of (...)
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  45. Saving the baby: Dennett on autobiography, agency, and the self.Jenann Ismael - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (3):345-360.
    Dennett argues that the decentralized view of human cognitive organization finding increasing support in parts of cognitive science undermines talk of an inner self. On his view, the causal underpinnings of behavior are distributed across a collection of autonomous subsystems operating without any centralized supervision. Selves are fictions contrived to simplify description and facilitate prediction of behavior with no real correlate inside the mind. Dennett often uses an analogy with termite colonies whose behavior looks organized and purposeful to the external (...)
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    Immunity to error as an artefact of transition between representational media.Jenann Ismael - 2012 - .
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  47. Essays on Symmetry.Jenann Ismael - 2001 - Routledge.
    Drawing from physics and philosophical debates, Ismael combines a set of essays on the time worn debate of symmetry from both fields.
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    Time: a very short introduction.Jenann Ismael - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What is time? What does it mean for time to pass? Is it possible to travel in time? What is the difference between the past and future? Until the work of Newton, these questions were purely topics of philosophical speculation. Since then we've learned a great deal about time, and its study has moved from a subject of philosophical reflection to instead became part of the subject matter of physics. This Very Short Introduction introduces readers to the current physical understanding (...)
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    Has removal of excess cysteine led to the evolution of pheomelanin?Ismael Galván, Ghanem Ghanem & Anders P. Møller - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):565-568.
    Graphical AbstractPheomelanogenesis may have evolved as an excretory mechanism to remove excess cysteine, and in humans this might potentially confer a greater ability to avoid disease such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, in which excess cysteine is a contributory cause.
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    Edith Stein. Ser finito, ser eterno. Filosofía y metafísica.Ismael Abad Bayo - 2024 - Relectiones 11:8-11.
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